November 2016: Ph.D on Electronics Engineering at UAB ( Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona ) .
October 2013 – November 2016: Grant holder of the University of Costa Rica.
July 2011: Master degree of Micro and Nanoelectronics Engineering at UAB .
2010-2011: Grant holder of the University of Costa Rica and of the Erasmus Mundus E2nhance project.
2009: Licentiate degree (with honors) of Electrical Engineering at the University of Costa Rica (UCR),
with emphasis in electronics and telecommunications.
This degree is deemed by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB).
2008: Bachelor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Costa Rica,
with emphasis in electronics and telecommunications, GPA ≈ 90%.
Teaching Experience:
December 2016 – December 2024:
Full time professor at the School of Electrical Engineering at UCR, in the courses of
electromagnetic field theory and Electronics.
August 2011 - September 2013:
Full time professor at the School of Electrical Engineering at UCR, in the courses of
electromagnetic field theory.
January 2009 - August 2010:
Full time professor at the School of Electrical Engineering at UCR, in courses as
electromagnetic field theory and Analysis of linear circuits.
2005-2007: Assistant at the School of Mathematics and Electrical Engineering at UCR,
in some courses as Calculus and Photonics.
Research Experience
My profile at Google Scholar : Marco Orellana
Main interests
Electromagnetism, Electronics, Microwaves.