Universidad de Costa Rica

User Manual for Embedded System Environment

Ing. Lochi Yu Lo, PhD.
Daniel D Gajski and Samar Abdi and Gunar Schirner and Han-su Cho and Yonghyun Hwang and Lochi Yu and Ines Viskic and Quoc-Viet Dang
Center for Embedded Computer Systems


The Embedded System Environment (ESE) is shown in F igure 1-1. The input to ESE front-end is the system definition consisting of a platform and application code. A library of processing elements, buses, bridges and RTOS is provided in ESE to develop such a platform. The retargetable timing estimation tool in ESE is used to annotate timing to the application code based on the mapping of application code on the platform components. The timed application and platform are input to the Transaction Level Model (TLM) generator tool that uses the bus and bridge models to generate a SystemC TLM. This SystemC TLM can be simulated by any commercial or freely available SystemC simulator to provide the performance metrics. The designer can use the metrics to optimize (i) the application code,(ii) the platform, and/or (iii) the mapping from the application to the platform. Since …

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