Universidad de Costa Rica

PMCTrack: delivering performance monitoring counter support to the OS scheduler

Ing. Roberto Rodríguez Rodríguez, PhD.
Juan Carlos Saez and Adrian Pousa and R Rodriíguez-Rodriíguez and Fernando Castro and Manuel Prieto-Matias
The Computer Journal
Oxford University Press


Hardware performance monitoring counters (PMCs) have proven effective in characterizing application performance. Because PMCs can only be accessed directly at the OS privilege level, kernel-level tools must be developed to enable the end-user and userspace programs to access PMCs. A large body of work has demonstrated that the OS can perform effective runtime optimizations in multicore systems by leveraging performance-counter data. Special attention has been paid to optimizations in the OS scheduler. While existing performance monitoring tools greatly simplify the collection of PMC application data from userspace, they do not provide an architecture-agnostic kernel-level mechanism that is capable of exposing high-level PMC metrics to OS components, such as the scheduler. As a result, the implementation of PMC-based OS scheduling schemes is typically tied to specific …

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