Universidad de Costa Rica

Estimating battery lifetimes in Solar Home System design using a practical modelling methodology

Ing. Víctor Vega Garita, PhD.
Nishant Narayan and Thekla Papakosta and Victor Vega-Garita and Zian Qin and Jelena Popovic-Gerber and Pavol Bauer and Miroslav Zeman
Applied energy


The rapid increase in the adoption of Solar Home Systems (SHS) in recent times hopes to ameliorate the global problem of energy poverty. The battery is a vital but usually the most expensive part of an SHS; owing to the least lifetime among other SHS components, it is also the first to fail. Estimating battery lifetime is a critical task for SHS design. However, it is also a complex task due to the reliance on experimental data or modelling cell level electrochemical phenomena for specific battery technologies and application use-case. Another challenge is that the existing electrochemical models are not application-specific to Solar Home Systems. This paper presents a practical, non-empirical battery lifetime estimation methodology specific to the application and the available candidate battery choices. An application-specific SHS simulation is carried out, and the battery activity is analyzed. A practical dynamic battery …

© 2020 Escuela de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Universidad de Costa Rica.