Universidad de Costa Rica

Operation of Distribution Systems Within Secure Limits Using Real-Time Model Predictive Control

Prof Gustavo Valverde Mora, PhD.
Hamid Soleimani Bidgoli and Gustavo Valverde and Petros Aristidou and Mevludin Glavic and Thierry Van Cutsem
Dynamic Vulnerability Assessment and Intelligent Control: For Sustainable Power Systems
John Wiley & Sons


The increasing penetration of distributed energy sources at distribution level is expected to create temporary over/under voltages and/or thermal overloads in Distribution Networks (DNs). Although these problems can be partly handled at the operational planning stage [1], the system may still undergo insecure operation conditions due to unforeseen events. In addition, reinforcing the network to deal with these temporary situations is not economically viable for the Distribution System Operator (DSO). Based on this, more flexible and coordinated control actions are required to cope with these operational challenges. To do so, the DSO should install measurement devices to monitor the system, and a control scheme to manage abnormal situations. The control of Dispersed Generation Unit (DGU) production is attractive, knowing that the violations take place only a fraction of the time [2]. The overall scope of this chapter is to introduce the reader to the problem of corrective control of voltages and congestion management of DNs based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) theory. The chapter presents the basic formulation of MPC and shows how it is adapted to predict and control the network condition in presence of a high penetration of DGUs. In addition, the primary objective is to present robust DN corrective control for temporary over/under voltages and thermal overloads as an alternative to network reinforcements. It is intended to provide comprehensive step-by-step formulations so that readers may reproduce or modify them based on their own needs. In addition, time domain simulations are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the …

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